I'm not sure if anyone frequently reads my blog or not, but in case you check it you'll have noticed that it's been almost 3 weeks since I last posted. Going back to work as really kicked my booty. From waking up at 5AM to workout, then heading to work around 7:15 and not leaving until almost 5PM and then spending as much quality time as possible with Bennett & Montgomery until they go to sleep, I'm beat! Most nights I'm in bed asleep by 9PM. My days are fast becoming tedious. Thus, again my desperation to come up with another plan for next year. To my dear friend Dawn, thanks SO much for your help in looking at my transcript to see if you can get me on anywhere to teach at one of the community colleges. With a Masters in Educational Psychology, I think my options are going to be limited. But it's worth a shot to see what's out there. If anyone has an idea, feel free to let me know.
As for Montgomery & Bennett they don't seem to have missed a beat. They spend lots of time playing together with Nana while Chad & I are at work. I do love that they've had this summer to really bond, especially since in just another week they will both start school! Here are a few pictures of them playing around in the bath tub. It's rare that Montgomery will join Bennett in the tub, but when he does, it's pure excitement. Lots of splashes and lots of squealing! (It also makes my heart melt that for the most part, they are really sweet to each other, lots of hugs and kisses.)